UNY Conducts Integrity Zone Declaration

Yogyakarta State University has launched an Integrity Zone which was held in the Main Conference Room of the Rectorate, Monday (11/12). This is a strategic step through the development of the Integrity Zone towards a Free from Corruption Area (WBK) and a Clean and Serving Bureaucratic Area (WBBM) in the Faculty / Postgraduate School work unit. The declaration of the Integrity Zone was marked by the signing of an integrity pact by the Rector and the Deans witnessed by the Secretary of the Bureaucratic Reform Team and the Integrity Zone of the Ministry of Education and Culture Muhammad Ali Akbar, SE, M.B.A..

According to the Rector of UNY, Prof. Sumaryanto, this activity is one of the manifestations of Yogyakarta's specialty characterized by 4K, namely Kraton, Campus, Village, and Office, which will optimize accountable and transparent institutional governance in order to realize superior, creative and innovative sustainable people.

Bureaucratic reform is one of the government's strategies in creating professionalism of state apparatus and good governance. The urgency of implementing bureaucratic reform is to make sustainable changes and reforms to the government bureaucracy in order to grow into a clean, accountable and high-performing bureaucracy, an effective and efficient bureaucracy and have quality public services, in order to realize the ideals of a zero tolerance approach in eradicating corruption in Indonesia.

The designation of the work unit as WBK / WBBM is intended as a competition and a pilot area for implementing the implementation of bureaucratic reform in work units at Yogyakarta State University through the construction of an Integrity Zone by applying the Integrity Zone instrument which includes 6 leveraging components, namely Change Management, Structuring Governance, Structuring HR Management Systems, Strengthening Supervision, Strengthening Performance Accountability, and Strengthening Public Service Quality.

This declaration activity was attended by more than 150 lecturers, education personnel and student representatives offline and more than 1000 people online via streaming. There was also a panel strengthening of the integrity zone by the Principal Expert Auditor of the Inspectorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology Dr. Fuad Wiyono and the General Crime Examiner of the High Prosecutor's Office Andika Romadhona, SH. On this occasion Fuad Wiyono delivered a paper on the Anti-Fraud / Gratification Movement of Yogyakarta State University in the Declaration of the Corruption-Free Zone Integrity Zone and Andika Romadhona delivered a presentation on the Integrity Zone Towards a Bureaucracy Free from Corruption.