Guest Lecture: Practical Training for Baristas to Make Espresso and Latte Art for Undergraduate Students of Catering Education and S2 Family Welfare Education

In order to improve the skills of students of S1 Catering Education and S2 Family Welfare Education in making espresso and latte art, the Faculty of Engineering again held a guest lecture (visiting professor) with the material "Barista Practice Making Espresso and Latte Art". This guest lecture activity was held in the 209 laboratory room on the 2nd floor of the Tata Boga and Fashion Education Building, Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University. The guest speaker was Dr. Mohammad Akmal bin Rohiat from Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia. This activity was carried out on Friday, May 31, 2024 at 08:00 until completion. The guest lecture was attended by 25 undergraduate students of Catering Education and 5 graduate students of Family Welfare Education.

The activity was carried out in 4 sessions, namely material sessions, demonstration sessions, practical sessions and evaluation sessions. In the first session, the opening and presentation of material related to history, types of coffee beans and their processed products. The second session continued with a demonstration of how to use a grinder and coffee maker machine and how to process espresso coffee and latte art with good and correct techniques. The third session continued with a practical session, students were divided into 10 groups of 3 people. Students tried to process espresso coffee and latte art. The fourth session was followed by an evaluation of how the difficulties faced during the practice.

On this occasion, students of S1 Catering Education and S2 Family Welfare Education gave a very good and enthusiastic response to the activities both during practice and material. It is hoped that with the guest lecture activities on espresso and latte processing material, students can add knowledge and provisions to the coffee material in the world of work later. (Zaki)