The PKM KC team of Yogyakarta State University under the leadership of Team Leader Yanuar Agung Fadlullah from the S1 Mechanical Engineering Education Study Program has succeeded in creating an innovation that can meet the needs of drinking water on Indonesian fishing boats. The innovation is a Sea Water Desalination tool that uses a reverse osmosis membrane and is integrated with an electrolysis process to produce hydrogen which is used to save diesel fuel consumption on fishing boats. This tool operates using power from solar panels to support the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals 2030.

This Sea Water Desalination tool is a revolutionary solution that overcomes the problem of clean water shortages and fulfills energy needs in the ocean. By utilizing SW reverse osmosis membrane technology, this tool is able to convert seawater into potable water for fishermen when several months of fishing. While the electrolysis process produces hydrogen as an auxiliary to the combustion process in ship engines to save the consumption of scarce diesel fuel with unstable price volatility.

One of the most interesting features of this innovation is the use of solar energy as a power source. It is equipped with solar panels that collect solar energy to power the desalination and electrolysis processes. This makes the Sea Water Desalination machine environmentally friendly and energy efficient, making it suitable for use on fishing boats that usually operate far from conventional power sources.

The PKM KC Yogyakarta State University team that created the Sea Water Desalination technology consists of a number of students with various study program backgrounds. In addition to Team Leader Yanuar Agung Fadlullah from S1 Mechanical Engineering Education Study Program, the team also involves Assadullah al Kaffah Alam from S1 Mechanical Engineering Education, Sahid Ramandhani from S1 Electronics Engineering Education Study Program, Bagus Putra Setiyawan from S1 Mechatronics Education Study Program, Khisna Rizqi Fauzia from S1 Chemistry Study Program, and based on the direction of the Supervisor Dr. Ir. Dr. Ir. Mujiyono, M.T., IPU, M.T. supported by Khakam Ma'ruf and Rizal Justian Setiawan.

“Our Sea Water Desalination innovation is expected to make a major contribution in improving the sustainability of the fishing industry and answering the increasingly urgent challenges of water and energy resources,” said Yanuar Agung Fadlullah, Team Leader of PKM KC Yogyakarta State University.

This innovation has the potential to be an indispensable solution in many areas around the world that depend on fisheries as a source of livelihood. With the support of environmentally friendly solar energy, this Sea Water Desalination tool will help preserve the marine environment and create new opportunities for sustainable economic growth.

Yogyakarta State University is proud to welcome this great innovation, which further proves that their students have great potential in creating positive changes in society and the environment. This Sea Water Desalination innovation is currently under further development and will hopefully soon be implemented on fishing boats across Indonesia, providing real benefits for fishermen and environmental sustainability.