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Faculty of Engineering Palangka Raya University Having Cooperation with Faculty of Engineering Yogyakarta State Univesity
Faculty of Engineering Yogyakarta State University received a visit from Faculty of Engineering Palangka Raya University on Thursday (11/28/19). This visit was held in the Dean Room Faculty of Engineering YSU. Some representatives from YSU include Mr. Moh. Khairudin, M.T, Ph.D as Vice Dean I of Faculty of Engineering YSU, Tri Hariyanto, S.E. as the Head of Administration Section of Faculty of Engineering YSU, and the row of Kasubbag. Meanwhile, representatives from Palangka Raya University were the Vice Dean I of Faculty of Engineering Palangka Raya University, and his seven staffs. Other seven staff members include the Head of Administration Unit, the Head of Academic and Student Affairs, the Head of General and Financial Affairs, the Treasurer, and the Faculty of Engineering Staffs of Palangka Raya University.
This visit was held as a discussion forum on several management programs in Faculty of Engineering YSU, to be later adopted by Palangka Raya University. The discussion forum began with FT UNY staffing management explained by Mr. Moh. Khairudin, M.T, Ph.D. YSU has an online staffing system to ease the burden on lecturers. This system can be accessed at www.skp.uny.ac.id. The purpose of the system is to monitor staffing performance. So the lecturer can input data anywhere. This data input is done at the end of the semester. Faculty of Engineering YSU itself already has a team that is responsible for this field. In addition, the attendance system of lecturers is also conducted online. Therefore, the intensity of all lecturers can be monitored. He also said that there are many online systems that have been running at YSU, especially at Faculty of Engineering. Such systems include Sibimta, Sipkl, Siakad, and so on. Sibimta is an online thesis final guidance system. This system makes it easy for students and lecturers to conduct guidance wherever and whenever. Sipkl is also an online system for students who are carrying out industrial practice in the field. As for Siakad itself is a system that recapses the entire lecture process from the beginning of the semester to graduation. Not only intended for students, siakad can also be accessed by parent of students, so that everything can be monitored easily.
Furthermore, this discussion shifted to the financial system at each university. Palangkaraya University said that the faculty's financial system was handled directly by the center, whereas at YSU the financial system from the central was surrendered to each faculty. The task of each faculty is to manage the funds that have been given by the center as well as possible. Faculty of Engineering YSU explained that the funds were used for State University Operational Assistance (BOPTN) funds, practical material, wages, routine, student affairs such as leadership, top skills, tutorials to accelerate undergraduate thesis level.
Ms. Frida as Vice Dean I of Palangka Raya University said that this visit was very useful for Palangkaraya University, because it added knowledge and insights for learning in various fields. Things that have been gained include enlightenment in the academic field, especially the academic system at YSU, financial management, and staffing governance. She hopes that in the future Palangkaraya University and Yogyakarta State University can open better cooperation. (winarti)

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